Metamask Login How To Transfer Cryptocurrency Using

To transfer cryptocurrency using MetaMask, follow these general steps:

  1. Copy Recipient Address: Copy the recipient's wallet address.

  2. Select Account: Ensure you are in the account from which you want to send.

  3. Initiate Transfer:

    • Click on "Send" in MetaMask.

    • Paste the recipient address or select it from your address book.

    • Enter the amount of tokens you want to send and proceed.

  4. Confirm Transaction:

    • Review transaction details, including gas fees.

    • Confirm the transaction to initiate the transfer.

  5. Monitor Transaction:

    • Check the status of your transaction in MetaMask's "Activity" tab.

    • Once successful, your balances will update accordingly

Remember to have enough of the network's native token (e.g., ETH for Ethereum) to cover gas fees. Always double-check recipient addresses before confirming transactions

Last updated